i found you two drew us into the portal where yogic wisdom and healing collective trauma intersect beautifully with intelligence humor and humanity ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you ! I, too, appreciate how Matthew explores ways of healing collective trauma with the wisdom heโ€™s gleaned from his spiritual journey with Thomas Hubl and is integrating this hologram into new forms of media. Your yoga wise insights were beautiful additions to how we can evolve the modern with the ancient to shapeshift how we collectively dialogue beyond the media paradigms that only fuel antagonism sensationalize emotion and manipulate the language to data bomb our nervous system into fight flight or freeze states ๐Ÿ˜

I found My training in Lifeforce Yoga has been a portal to a deep spiritual path and a healing of my psyche wounded and her shadow counterparts. As yoga became a personal practice over time healing my body and mind, I found a spiritual path that spoke to my intuitive parts who know what source feels like when my body is aligned with breath and restorative rhythms of presence and attunement found in the Natural world. No AI involved. My trauma informed professional skills have now been laser focused on my own befriending and tending to my nervous system with the support of Dr. Lissaโ€™s Sacred Medicine, IFS informed trauma work and other spiritual guides like Thomas hubl and artists gathering in healing arts collectives. I think of my now daily yoga practice as a medicine for the body and mind and a tool I can use to regulate my own reactive parts and attune to my inner Source of wise peaceful warrior energy. I can see how shifting into my own presence is the best resource I have to remain highly attuned to how WE can shift the way we use language to access attune and recalibrate the collective media. We are one ๐Ÿ™

Iโ€™ll look forward to hearing more from you guys and the depth of your understanding yoga text itโ€™s roots and itโ€™s philosophy, along with how it relates to shifts in our modern day life. As Bodhi and the Muse reimagine redesign our newsletter and add team, weโ€™d love to quote from you and share yoga pearls of wisdom from you to the conscious collective communities. There are other souls who are open to seeing how yoga as a medicine for body mind can be a way to wisely Sourced nervous systems. ๐Ÿ’• Thank you to you and Matt for sharing your warrior to wise men pilgrimage stories as we are spiritually evolving in both the personal and the collective ๐Ÿ™

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Thank you - Iโ€™m glad to hear it resonates. You would be welcome to quote from our chat or maybe we could have one ourselves ๐Ÿ™Œ

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