Ancient Futures
Ancient Futures
From Me to We – Thomas Legrand

From Me to We – Thomas Legrand

Reframing politics in terms of relationships instead of economics

What might it look like to live in a world that combines ancient wisdom with newer ideas about sustainable development? In his recent book Politics of Being, the social scientist

explores the potential for shifts in perspective that could help us to face converging challenges.

Thomas Legrand and Politics of Being

At the heart of his vision is an inner transformation, rejecting a paradigm that fuels separation while awakening values that promote collective consciousness. Although this is rooted in a spiritual worldview, Thomas says it’s more about human ideals of freedom, virtue, truth and understanding – plus peace, love and happiness.

We discuss how his agenda for action goes beyond the personal by looking at life in relational terms. Recognising interconnection leads to more holistic policies, which Thomas describes using real-life examples. However, we also reflect on obstacles to change – from entrenched vested interests to the underlying craving that drives an economy addicted to growth.

Click here to download an excerpt from Politics of Being, or find out more via social media (he’s on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn). Thomas also writes a Substack newsletter, and currently works with the Conscious Food Systems Alliance, convened by the United Nations Development Programme.

* Last call for The Path of Knowledge! We start on Sun, Sep 29: join us here *

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Ancient Futures
Timeless wisdom for modern dilemmas, combining yoga philosophy, practical insight and critical thinking. Hosted by Daniel Simpson.