Ancient Futures
Ancient Futures
Higher Truths – Hari-kirtana das

Higher Truths – Hari-kirtana das

Finding our way with the Bhagavad Gītā, including its challenges

What makes people wary of getting immersed in the Bhagavad Gītā? To start with, it’s set in a war zone, where God issues edicts to kill and upholds social hierarchy. Yet its message is also inspiring, making yoga compatible with everyday life, and developing a loving awareness that sees all beings equally.

Hari-kirtana das and Journey into the Bhagavad Gītā

This podcast with Hari-kirtana das explores his new book on the Gītā’s teachings, which is subtitled A Guide to Exploring Timeless Principles of Transcendental Knowledge and Integrating Them Into Your Life. As we discuss, how we interpret the text depends on our worldview. Although it features a personal god, is devotion mandatory?

In addressing this question, we consider distinctions between subjective experience and objective facts, and the extent to which religion is compatible with different ways of seeing. We also talk about historical misconduct in devotional lineages, and how the Gītā counteracts misguided thinking.

Finally, we ask whether some of its passages might need ignoring – instead of trying to update them with more palatable readings – or whether cherry-picking undermines the text. For more from Hari-kirtana, follow him on Instagram or YouTube.

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Ancient Futures
Ancient Futures
Timeless wisdom for modern dilemmas, combining yoga philosophy, practical insight and critical thinking. Hosted by Daniel Simpson.